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Sunday, August 2, 2020

Best Things to Buy that will Make You Money and GROW Your Business In 2020! Review by Softfamous

Hello In this video, I'm going to show you the Best Things to Buy that will Make You Money and GROW Your Business In 2020! Review by Softfamous, so this is going to be super fun so without any fother ado, so let's get started.

Now we've invested a lot in tools a lot in software and systems here at primal video and while not everything has worked out there has been a few key purchases that continue to pay for themselves over and over again saving us a ton of time and generating passive income each and every month so in this video i'm going to share with you what my top six things are to buy that can make you money and grow your business long after you purchase them hey it's Ahmad here from where we help you grow an audience and scale your revenue with online video.

If you're new here welcome make sure you click that subscribe button and all the links to everything we mention in this video you can find linked in the description box below so let's jump into it now straight out i just want to be clear that this is not a get rich quick video what i'm about to share with you are the purchases or the investments that we've made that have really moved the needle for us here at primal video helping us increase our income helping us save a ton of time and enabling us to scale much much faster.

So i want to share with you what's working for us so that you can skip the learning curve and if you're prepared to put in the work and invest the time in setting this stuff up properly up front hopefully get the same results in your business too now as i'm going through my list make sure to share with us in the comments area below what is your number one purchase this has been for saving time for increasing your income or for growing your business and check out what everyone else is sharing down there as well because there's always some awesome insights from the rest of the primal video community oh and as i'm going through some of these may sound a little out of left field so make sure you stick with me.

Because i will explain why and what i mean by these items as we run through so the first one then number one is a website i told you some of these are going to sound pretty obvious but this is a place where people can find out more about you about your business about your other content find all of your top recommendations it's essentially a central hub for everything for you and for your business you can use it to help you grow your email list to help you create opt-in pages to help you create a resources page a one go-to page on your website that has all of your top recommended gear products and services that you recommend other people use as well this one can be huge as you grow now if you're just starting out and you need something super cheap then i would suggest that you grab your website hosting from somewhere like siteground for just a couple of bucks now this is where we started out and bang for buck it really is hard to beat they've got great support.

It's reliable and they include a bunch of extras that a lot of other hosting companies don't include in their base price and they charge extra for but one thing i do want to make you aware of with a lot of these hosting companies especially at the lower price end is that the price usually goes up after the first year or two so some of them can be a little bit tricky with the pricing but if you've got the budget then i would definitely suggest checking out a hosting company like wpx which is a little bit more expensive but it is fully managed meaning that if something goes wrong like your website gets hacked or you have some downtime their support fully covers it now we got burnt once our site was down for 24 hours costing us a lot of revenue and we even had some inappropriate images that ended up on our site so this is now our number one request when we are looking at a new hosting company to run and manage our website so number one a website it doesn't need to be expensive.

But it can be massive for you and for your business number two is an email platform so what i'm talking about here is investing in building an asset your email list something that you own and that you control so absolute worst case if something happened to your primary marketing channel which is disappeared like your youtube channel that you still have a business you still are able to contact your subscribers to share new content to drive traffic to new videos to help you increase some of those ranking indicators boost traffic across your entire channel help you increase ad revenue and affiliate revenue and also let your subscribers know about any products or services that you have now with an email platform you can easily set up some simple email sequences or batches of emails that can go out that can add a ton of value to your subscribers and help you drive and increase your revenue in the process now we dive into exactly how that we do all of this stuff inside of our accelerator program but this is a massive part of our business model and it is a total game changer for both you and for your audience now investing in this and setting this up was one of the first things that we did and honestly

It's one of the best decisions that you can make too the best time is right before you start but the second best time is right now now there's so many different options out there when it comes to email marketing platform so for us we use activecampaign because we just love how flexible and how scalable it is this is something that we're not going to be bouncing up against the limits of what's possible with activecampaign and the automation stuff which we're big on at primal video is huge but convertkit is also a really solid option i would say be great for anyone who is identifying as more tech averse or doesn't want to dive into any of the deeper automations and those sorts of things so if you are interested in email marketing platforms and you want to find out more about convertkit and active campaign then check out the video i've got linked up in the cards

Also if you're interested in getting starting with growing your email list we do have a free workshop that takes you through step by step how to start growing your email list organically using youtube.

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