If you're new here, make sure to click that subscribebutton and all the links to everything I mentionin this video, you can find links in thedescription box below. So let's jump into it. Now, these days with a quick appinstall, you can instantly unlock a tonof advanced functionality, to take you resultseven further when you're creating videoswith your Android phone or tablet. But, there are a lot of apps out there to choose from,and they're certainly not all made equal. So in this video, we're gonnatake a look at the best camera apps right now,and then get to my choice for the number oneafter putting all of them through their paces.
And as we're going through, scroll downand let me know in the comments,what camera app are you using right now,and what's your favorite feature. So as I've said, there's a lotof options out there, so I'm going to skipthose that aren't worth your time,and jump straight into our shortlistof the top options. Now each of them has advantages and disadvantages,including different features,different levels of complexity,and obviously different pricing models as well. So make sure you stick around, as we runthrough each one to make sure you'reending up with the best fit for you. Now I just want to add in here really quickly,that each one of these camera apps that we'regoing to cover will let you unlockprofessional camera-like settingson your Android device, so you're ableto have the most amount of control,and functionality in features out of your device.
So we're not going to mention these thingsas we dive into each of the apps,we're only going to look at what's differentbetween them, not all of the commonalities. So across the board you're gonna have accessto features like shutter speed, like ISO,in some cases aperture, depending on which camerayou're using, or which phone you're using, andalso resolution, frame rate, and bit rate control as well. And I also want to add that some of thesefeatures may not be available to your specific device. Given the massive amount of Android devices,some of these features are only available tosome devices, in most cases the newer ones,so if you do have an older Android device,then maybe expect that there could be some featuresmissing when you install the app on your device.
The first app in our shortlist is Open Camera. Now this is one that we've been using andrecommending for years, we even havea full walk through tutorial on this onewhich I'll link up in the cards. But Open Camera is an amazing camera app, and itactually has probably the most amount of settingsand control out of any of the apps that we'regonna mention, or pretty much any of the cameraapps that are available on Android. The overall interface of the app is definitely notas nice as some of the other apps that we're goingto mention soon, but it is clean enough that youquickly find what you're looking foron the main dashboard page.
Once you get into the settings, however,that's where there is just pages and pages ofsettings and things that you can customize upand tailor up. You can even customize upthe main dashboard, the main GUI, and turn on or offsettings that you may or may not be using,or don't want to have access to from that front page. So even just quickly diving into the first page of thesettings, you can see that we've got more cameracontrols, camera preview, on screen GUI,photo settings, video settings, location settings,processing settings, and if we open up videosettings, there is just a ton of settings in here.
Everything from your video resolution,down to enabling a flat, or a log, profile,specifying the maximum duration of the video,what you want to app to do after you hitthat maximum duration, if you've got one set,and this is just one page of settings.
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